Sabtu, 07 Juni 2014

Free Download The Media Monopoly, by Ben H. Bagdikian

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The Media Monopoly, by Ben H. Bagdikian

The Media Monopoly, by Ben H. Bagdikian

The Media Monopoly, by Ben H. Bagdikian

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The Media Monopoly, by Ben H. Bagdikian

Product details

Paperback: 289 pages

Publisher: Beacon Pr; 5th edition (April 1997)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0807061557

ISBN-13: 978-0807061558

Product Dimensions:

1 x 5.2 x 8 inches

Shipping Weight: 12 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.4 out of 5 stars

12 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#976,894 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Ever wanted a reference point to reality? Read this book. It's the quickest way to understanding why america is failing and why the rest of the globe thinks americans are stupid fat and lazy. We're not stupid. We invented this internet but this book explains why we are so misinformed which is worse than being uninformed.

One of the slogans of American conservatives is that the American media is liberal and left-leaning. This book argues the opposite, and that from the 1960s onwards, the takeover of family-owned and family-runned media outlets by large, usually multinational corporations has reduced the quality of news-reporting. Furthermore, media (news) outlets are now primarily vehicles for advertising. The effects of this are multiple. First, there are implicit and explicit pressures within many news organizations to NOT report news that might be damaging to the public image of either that organization's advertisers, parent owners, or other businesses owned by that organization's parent owners. Second, many news organizations purchased by corporations in effect become advertising and propaganda vehicles and not impartial news dispensers any more. Third, in order to satisfy advertising needs, news editors are often forced to mellow the content of their news to make it less offensive and controversial, since offensive and/or controversial content can lessen the buying mood of watchers/readers, which in turn reduces the efficacy of advertising. Fourth, many locales are now served by one news outlet per medium; i.e. one newspaper, one TV station and one radio station. In some instances, all the news outlets in one geographical area (re city) are owned by one corporation. The effect of this is a gradual reduction in the diversity of news in the general media within each city or township. This, argues the author, is highly damaging to the participatory democracy that is the USA. Last, all of this is done in the face of rising profit margins within many news organizations; i.e. the surrender of editorial privilege to advertisers is done solely to increase profits, and not to ensure profitability.The author argues his points in various ways. First, he provides numerical data to justify his claims. These include the number of privately-owned and publicly-owned news organizations over the past century. Second, the author details specific case studies showing how corporate (advertisers) needs have overtaken editorial judgement within various news organizations. Third, the author provides some of his own subjective evaluation of news content over the decades.I found this book's arguments highly convincing. There is a small addition for the new Internet medium, but it is quite short and deserves further expansion; hence I give the book only four out of five stars. But this is still a great book and highly recommended for those interested in the social sciences, and any American voter in general.

Very satisfied

When a book reaches its fifth edition, it's usually got something to say. In two prefaces, an introduction, 13 chapters and an afterword, Bagdikian sounds an alarm against the dangerous influences that corporations have had on the media landscape. He argues that concentrated control of the media amounts to a "new kind of central authority over information" (p.xiv). The book provides anecdotal insight into some instances where corporate control has negatively impacted the content of various media outlets. Pointing out that the majority of corporate leaders are economically conservative, Bagdikian states that if their corporate interests are at stake, the leaders will use the power over their media holdings to exact influence in the situation:"Some intervention by owners is direct and blunt. But most of the screening is subtle, some not even occuring at a conscious level, as when subordinates learn by habit to conform to owner's ideas" (p.45). He adds: "The quiet alteration of news...may seem preferable to placing corporate money and reputation in jeapordy" (p.37). In one chapter, the author includes detailed information on how newspaper owners once influenced then President Nixon to support passage of the Newspaper Preservation Act; effectively allowing newspapers special status to shield them from anti-trust, monopoly regulations. For his role, "In 1972 Richard Nixon received the highest percentage of newspaper endorsements of any candidate in modern times" (p.99). Bagdikian does a fine job highlighting a very important issue that could benefit from further research. Indeed, perhaps empirical rather than anecdotal evidence would bolster many of the claims eluded to in the book. In writing this book, however, Bagdikian has created a seminal work in the field dealing with increasing corporate control of news sources and the potentially negative effects this can have on the overall structure and operations of media outlets throughout the world.

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The Media Monopoly, by Ben H. Bagdikian PDF

The Media Monopoly, by Ben H. Bagdikian PDF
The Media Monopoly, by Ben H. Bagdikian PDF

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